Does it really matter who you hire as your real estate agent? Absolutely. iRealty has a mission at the core of everything we do. This mission is to serve our clients’ best interests, no matter what. That means we put our clients at the center of the Universe, at the center of our business model, at the center of our representations, our negotiations, and every aspect of the transaction until and beyond closing. Others talk. We really do this. We will walk away from a commission before we will violate this mission.
See Chuck Marunde
Every client wants their Realtor to have great credentials, right? iRealty Virtual Brokers have the highest credentials. How can we say that? Compare our credentials with any other broker’s office. Of course, agents will have a variety of experience in every office, but the experience of the leadership team is critical to the success of the whole brokerage. This is the kind of experience and support iRealty brings to all its agents. When a client hires an iRealty agent, he hires a company with these credentials.
No real estate agent can work for us who does not swear to abide by our principles of honesty, integrity, professionalism, competence, and trustworthiness. We require that all of our agents seek to give our clients the highest level of customer service. We really believe in under promising and over delivering.
If it is knowledge, experience, and professionalism you seek in your Realtor, talk to us and find out if you feel we can help you. Give us the privilege of serving you, and we promise you will be pleased with our representation as your real estate agents.
Please take a close look at our Brokers’ profiles under the “Agent” tab and see for yourself.